Marvel Theory: Ronan Is Starlord’s Father?

If there’s something I enjoy, it’s ridiculous fan theories. They are enjoyable to look at and to pick apart, but they are even more enjoyable to make. Who doesn’t love a good fan theory? Well, once ridiculous fan theory I came up with involves Guardians Of The Galaxy. This 2014 movie has already become beloved by so many people despite being based off a rather obscure comic. And one of the biggest mysteries in the film is the identity of Peter Quill / Starlord’s father.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty of this theory, let me say that this is all just speculation. This being a theory does not make it canon and I would never try to force a theory to be the end-all be-all for the truth behind any work of fiction. The story will always be in the hands of those who created it and I can fully respect it. Anyway, let’s discuss the topic of Starlord’s father indepth. Just a warning, there will be lots of SPOILERS for the entire film.

The story of the film centers around Starlord, a space-faring bounty hunter who is both a jerk and a hero at the same time. The film discusses his origin, with him being just an ordinary earth-child by the name of Peter Quill. His mother dies of cancer, causing him to flee the hospital in disgust. He is then captured by aliens from a faraway land and spirited away to the depths of space. That’s where the movie begins as it chronicles the rise of Peter Quill and how he was able to overcome his mother’s death and trust others. Keeping all that in mind, one of the biggest mysteries surrounding Quill is his father. Who is he? Why was he not in Peter’s life? What alien species is he? That’s right, I said species. At the end of the film, Peter is told he is only half-human and that the other half belongs to an unknown alien species. He is told this by the Xandarians, beings belonging to the planet of Xandar.

According to Yondu, Starlord’s father paid Yondu to have him delivered halfway across the galaxy to him. However, Yondu disobeyed and took the son in as his own. Thus, Yondu raised the boy as a member of his crew. Throughout the movie, we get small bits of info surrounding the identity of Peter’s father but we are never told who it is. So, who could it be? Well, a lot of people point to it being The Collector. His mother described Peter’s father as being “an angel bathed in light” and The Collector possesses an angelic appearance. This has led to the theory that The Collector is Peter’s father.

Not only does he possess an angelic appearance, he is also from an unknown ancient race. This has led many to speculate that The Collector was Starlord’s father. The theory states that The Collector fell in love with a human woman, impregnated her, and infected her with cancer so that she may be alive long enough to raise Starlord. Once she was dead, Starlord would be taken in and brought to him to be part of his collection. Except, this theory has too many holes. For one thing, this seemed way too obvious. I doubt the film would lead us to believe someone like The Collector is Quill’s father. This would especially be odd in a film where the main characters aren’t what they appear to be on first sight. For example, you look at Rocket and think he’s an angry gun-toting rodent. The thing about Rocket is that he doesn’t who he is, where he came from and constantly saddened by those who judge him and call him a little monster. And the other Guardians are like that too, you can’t just group them into neat little categories.

So, for a film where first impressions aren’t everything, why would The Collector be made to be the obvious choice? Impregnating a woman just to create some kind of half-breed seems to be a little too out of the way for The Collector. If the Collector is an Elder like he was in the comics, he’d have better things to do with his time. So, that begs the question, who is the father? I believe it to be Ronan. Now I know what you are thinking, “That’s insane! Ronan is the villain and isn’t like Starlord in any way!” Well, let’s back up a bit here. In the film, there is an Easter Egg that got everyone a little confused.

During the film, when Ronan’s ship is shown, you’ll find a bunch of random numbers meant to be the ship’s location in space. Substituting letters for numbers you get the message “This is Mom’s cancer.” Now, everyone believes this to mean that Ronan is the threat to everything her mother held dear when she was alive. In a way, Ronan is akin to her cancer except on a galaxy-wide scale. Except, cancer has a different meaning when you’re discussing space and another when you are discussing Marvel in particular. You see, in the comics about 4 years prior to the release of the film a special mini-series was released that revolved around a war with a universe known as the “Cancerverse”. It’s a universe in which death is itself is extinct. Does the Cancerverse exist in the Cinematic Universe? I’m not entirely sure, since it’s never been brought up. But I thought I’d mention this as it was very interesting when I found it. What makes it especially interesting is that Ronan participated in this war.

And that’s just one meaning of Cancer. You see, there’s also a constellation known as “Cancer”. Cancer is known as the crab constellation and is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Even though it’s likely that Ronan’s ship is nowhere near the Cancer constellation, it could still be possible that the word cancer could mean something else. For all intensive purposes let’s substitute the meanings of the word. Instead of “This is mom’s cancer” we now have “This is mom’s constellation”. Now, that sentence may not make a whole lot of sense but think about it this way: If Quill’s mom was looking up to the stars and looking for her husband she would only see the stars in the sky. To her, her husband out in the great unending galaxy would be nothing but a star, a part of a greater constellation. In essence, Quill’s father is a constellation to both Quill and his mother.

I know it is a bit  of stretch, yet the movie does have some hints that may prove this as true. For one thing, Quill’s mother referred to young Peter as “Starlord”. Now, you’d think this is just a silly nickname, right? Except, that’s kind of a weird nickname to give a child. Starking or Starprince would work better, why Starlord? You’re essentially calling your kid a space god at this point! Except, what if the reason she was calling Quill that was because Quill’s father was actually a Starlord? If his father was Ronan, than this would make a whole lot more sense.

Now I know what you are thinking: How the heck is Ronan an “Angel bathed in light”? Well, he isn’t a traditional angel. You see, Ronan possesses blue skin, black tattoos and possess dark-black clothing. All of those are indicative of a villain, or perhaps a “Fallen Angel”. While it’s entirely possible that Starlord’s mother was referring to the traditional angel, it could be that she was actually referring to a fallen angel. And while Ronan isn’t “bathed in light” in the traditional sense, he is bathed in it figuratively. The light he is bathed in is the one that he has been seeking: The light of the Infinity Stones. That is that light that Ronan is bathed in, the light that he greatly seeks.

And before you think that’s stretching it, I reccomend you watch Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Spoilers for those of you who haven’t seen it, but Ultron the villain of the film obtains the yellow Infinity Gem and places it into a robot vessel. Ultron wishes to lord over humanity in this robotic body, which he dubs as “The Vision”. He essentially wants to rule over the universe as god or an angel and Vision did indeed have an ethereal quality to him. Part of what makes Vision who he is stems from that fact that he is a melding of Jarvis’ AI with Vision’s tech. But also, most of his power stems from the Infinity Gem emblazoned in his forehead. In a way, Vision is an angel as he stands for everything the represents life. If we look at things from that perspective, than Ronan kind of seems like an opposite to Vision. Both had obtained the power of an infinity gem, but one wants to create death while the other defends life.

Something else to note is that Ronan has some strange similarities to Starlord. The biggest one being that both Ronan and Starlord were able to hold the infinity gem. During the movie, Ronan grabbed an infinity gem with his bare hands and proceeded to melt it onto his hammer. Likewise, Starlord was able to hold the gem with his bare hand, but had to discharge the energy by holding hands with his friends. In a way, both of them were using “Conduits”. Ronan’s conduit was his hammer, which allowed him to focus the focus the power of the stone through his weapon. And Starlord’s conduit was his friends, allowing him to discharge the energy and use it to annihilate Ronan once and for all

Ronan and Starlord also have some commonalities when it comes to their personalities. Both Ronan and Starlord can be rather cocky and arrogant at times. And both characters have a nasty habit of taking things that don’t belong to them. Both of them seeked to obtain the purple infinity gem, although it was for entirely different reasons. So, piecing things together, here is what I think happened: Ronan met Quill’s mother and on a whim decided to fall in love with her so she may bare a child. However, Ronan’s own ambitions drew him away from the planet which is why he left.

Now, you’re probably thinking that a lot of the theory is a bit of a stretch. Most theories tend to be this way and yes I do admit it’s a bit ridiculous. The thing about the theory though is that if it proves to be true, it would give Ronan more of a backstory. Ronan should have been a more developed villain, especially when you consider how well-developed the primary protagonists were.

Again, I assure that this is all a theory. You don’t have to take it on as your own personal canon if you don’t want to. Besides, it is more than likely Starlord’s father will turn out to be someone else. He could be Thanos, The Collector, or heck even Howard The Duck! We don’t know, because it hasn’t been revealed. It’s more likely that Quill’s actual father will be a character with more of a history or backstory.

Some people may think of writing fan-theories as pointless exercise, but that’s not really the case. Because at one point or another, you’ve thought up a fan theory. You have believed something to be not as it seems in a particular franchise and there is nothing wrong with that. Theories, whether right or wrong are something that will always be interesting. That’s because theories are made by the people who enjoy this material, who think about the mythology and who like to just write what they believe to be wrong. Sure, there are a lot of bad fan-theories out there and there always will be. However, that doesn’t mean that fan-theories are a bad thing. It’s my belief that a concept doesn’t just have to end at what the writer’s intended. That is just a theory about theories however. Whether my theory proves to be true or wrong, I’ll still accept whoever they deem to be Quill’s father. This is because I enjoy Marvel and Guardians Of The Galaxy. I look forward to whatever Marvel brings next to this venerable franchise.

My Favorite Final Fantasy Game

When it comes to Final Fantasy, it’s hard to narrow down a game I like the most. I’ve only really played 1, 4, 7, and 8. Oh, I own 10 HD but haven’t really played it that much, which is something I’d like to rectify in the future. 4 is definitely my favorite though, I spent so many hours with my friend just playing it a ton and enjoying it quite a bit. They made a sequel but I never actually got around to playing it. Maybe one day I’ll tackle Final Fantasy 4: The After Years, but for now I should complete 10.

I do intend to play through the entirety of Final Fantasy X and review it on this blog. I haven’t gotten around to it yet, but I do hope to eventually get back into it and playthrough the entire game. For now, I want to focus on getting up some more game reviews. I have a bunch of reviews I’d like to do for this blog, so I hope to have those all out before I get into the nitty-gritty and start playing older games.

Sweet As Syrup: Torchlight II Review

Every now and then, a game comes along that greatly represents something we’ve played long ago. It fills that gaping void and gives us new memories that hearken back to what made us like the original in the first place. Torchlight II is a good example of this, as it acts as a good send-up to the amazing Diablo series. You see, the Diablo games used to be a great source of entertainment. The original 2 Diablo games were classic, but afterwards the series went on a decade long hiatus. In 2009 though, some of the developers of Diablo got together with a new company and brought us the indie gem known as “Torchlight”. This game played similar to the original, thrusting you into a fantasy world where you must make your way past deadly monsters and kill an evil lurking threat.

The game was a massive success, to the point where a sequel was made three years later. It expanded upon the Diablo-styled roots of the original games and added in new gameplay features and tweaks. It soon became one of the most well-developed dungeon crawlers ever, featuring a large of community of modders and a fun character upgrade system. It became a favorite game of mine and to this day it remains one of the games on Steam that I’ve played the most. I always go back to it and try out new mods, never tiring from the customization elements presented. Today, I wish to discuss one game that I can never tire of, one game that made me decide to get into PC gaming. Today, I shall discuss the impressiveness that is Torchlight II.

Need To Know Stuff

Torchlight II is a game that is exclusive to PC. The graphics settings aren’t super-demanding, but I doubt you can get it to run at max settings on a computer that is 10 years old. You can purchase Torchlight II on Steam and it often goes on sale for 5 bucks (In Canadian dollars) Torchlight II is developed by Runic games and was released on September 20th 2012.

Can you vanquish the Dark Alchemist? (Image property of Runic Games)
Can you vanquish the Dark Alchemist?
(Image property of Runic Games)


There isn’t much to discuss in this section as Torchlight has a narrative so thin that it’s practically see-through. The story takes place after the first game and revolves around the Alchemist being corrupted by dark ember energies and becoming an armor clad monster known as “The Dark Alchemist”. Using these powers he starts to corrupt the land and destroy those around him, desiring to manipulate the lands to fit his own desires. Unfortunately, that’s about as deep as the story gets.

Most of the plot is delivered on these wall-of-text screens that do little to entertain you. You’ll sit there bored as the NPCs blather on about boring stuff, most of which you won’t even pay any attention to. The game features nice looking animated cut-scenes, but there’s only four of them throughout this 10-12 hour long campaign. And upon reaching the end of the story and coming to face-to-face with the Dark Alchemist, you are given a disappointing boss battle with him. Not only does he not say anything or do anything remotely threatening, he also doesn’t offer a satisfying end-game encounter. To be fair, after trouncing him the game continues, but it was still disappointing to come to what I thought was the end and do battle against a forgettable villain. If I can be honest, the plot was the only part of the game that I found to be weak. Every other part of the game was fairly well-done!


The game starts you off by choosing one of four different classes: Berserker, Outlander, Engineer, and Embermage. Despite certain classes being aimed towards melee or magic, the class and skill is designed to allow you to tailor any class in a variety of different ways. You can make a combat-heavy Berserker into a spell-casting badass, or an Outlander into a magic-wielding gunman. The options are innumerable and the way the skill system is setup makes it even better. Unlike in other dungeon-crawlers where you have to put certain points into skills you don’t want in order to unlock higher tiers, here you are given complete freedom. You can place points into whichever skills you want and if there’s a skill you don’t want, you are under no obligation to put points into it. It’s been coined as being a “Skill-Bank” rather than a “Skill-Tree” and it works a lot better than the old system.

The gameplay itself is pretty basic, you click on an enemy and attack it. Nothing too revolutionary here. You can also bind your abilities to the number keys so you can easily use your attacks and buffs. The game is built upon you collection better weapons and armor pieces and eventually growing your character to a point where is near unstoppable. Most weapons or armor have two different requirements, one based upon your stats and the other based upon your level. For example, if you have a sword you can only use if your strength is high enough you can just simply wait until you are a high enough level to use it. Another feature of the game is the easy to use modding system. Using this, you can install mods with ease without the threat of corrupting your un-modded save-files. If I can complain about anything in the gameplay department, it would be some of the difficulty modes don’t offer enough challenge. Seriously, Veteran difficult was way too easy for me!

The game boasts online play which works pretty smoothly for me. The game not only lets you play the basic un-modded game, but also allows you to play with other players using mods. Let’s say you don’t have the same mods as that person and you really want to play. Well, you still can! The game let’s you download all those mods with the click of a button and then proceeds to shuffle around your mods so you have the same combination as the host of said game. Now you can play with your friend / buddy / random stranger to your heart’s content!

Visual Stimuli

The game boasts a rather nice-looking art-style. Everything looks cartoon-y and I’m okay with that, after all I don’t need every game to look like Metal Gear Solid 5 in terms of graphics. The world’s cartoon-ish look gives it a nice flourish and stops the game from looking like just another dungeon crawler. Weapon and armor designs are also pretty nice-looking with various weapon and armor-pieces having differing looks.

The music is pretty good, though it’s nothing I’d write home about. It doesn’t assault your ears in any way and it just generally sounds nice, but it’s not something that would make you run out and buy a soundtrack. The voice-acting on the NPCs is serviceable, but it would most likely not stick with you after you’re done with the game. The health bars and menu are well-designed and the item-management system is far less cluttered than other Dungeon Crawlers of this type.

In Summation

This game is fun and addictive and still stands as one of my favorites. Sure, it has it’s flaws here and there such as having a lackluster story but the gameplay makes up for it. It’s easy to get a grasp on and it’s very fulfilling to tailor a character to your specifications. Giving him epic loot and awesome skills helps define your play-style and it feels so rewarding in that regard. There are so many different ways to make a unique and powerful character that I encourage you to play through this game more than once. Considering the fact that its not an overly long game, multiple play-throughs becomes a very tempting offer. In short, this game is amazing and very well priced. You’ll get hours out of creating new characters and goofing off with all the mods. In short, I give this a game a very well-deserved 9/10.

Heading To A Convention Tomorrow!

Special guest stars like William Shatner and Charles Martinet will be there! I’m looking forward to it, I’ve been excited about this for months. I’m heading there with my friend 92Days and I’m sure it’ll be a great fun time. I hope to see a lot of my friends there and I heard even my nerdy neighbor will be going! I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what this con has to offer!

Back To Regular Updates

I want to get this blog up and running with semi-regular updates. Sorry for the lack of updates everyone, but I feel I need to start getting this blog back on track and for a while that’s been difficult because I’ve been trouble finding a proper focus for the blog. I still don’t know what I should focus entirely on, game reviews, short stories, the ongoing series Winds Of The King. What I do know is that I want to keep making content people will enjoy even if it remains mostly obscure.